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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Triple Conjunction of Mercury-Venus-Jupiter

The triple conjunction of Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter continues apace in the western sky just after sunset. The three planets are visible low to the northwest between 8:00-8:30 Israel Daylight Time. You will need a very clear western horizon, as the three are very close to setting when it gets dark enough to see them.

It is a beautiful sight to behold, the three planets being so bright! It is also unusual to see Mercury so high in the sky, the topmost of the three. The conjunction will continue to be visible until May 30, 2013. Go out and watch the planets visibly change position tonight and tomorrow night. It's the last triple planetary conjunction until 2024!

Mercury, Venus and Jupiter set on the night of May 28th in the hills behind Mitzpe Ramon. Photo taken at 8:30PM IDT, May 28, 2013. Mercury is the topmost of the trio, Jupiter to the lower left, Venus to the lower right.

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