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Sunday, January 31, 2016

February 1 Mars and Last Quarter Moon Form Close Pair

For early risers on Monday morning, February 1, The red planet Mars and the last quarter moon will form a close pair in the southern sky about one hour before dawn. On February 3 the waning moon will appear close to Saturn and on February 6 it will pass close to Venus in the constellation Sagittarius. 

This image shows the sky as it will appear on Monday morning February 1, about one hour before sunrise. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Spectacular Alignment of All Five Naked Eye Planets in Dawn Sky

The five naked eye planets will align in a nearly straight arc across the dawn sky from January 27 through February 7. Mercury will be the hardest to see since it is the closest to the sun and therefore hugs the horizon.

After Mercury is lost in the sun's glare the remaining four planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will continue shining beautifully in the dawn sky. 

Jupiter rises much earlier than the others, around 9:30pm, and by dawn is high up in the south as the diagram shows. It's one of our main targets on our star tours. Come on down for your own view through our telescopes. 

052-544-9789 for reservations. 


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