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Friday, July 23, 2021

Perseids Meteor Shower Star Party in Mitzpe Ramon 2021

 The Perseids Meteor Shower peaks again this year on the night of August 12 into the morning of the 13th. We will have special meteor shower star party pricing of 75nis/person on the peak nights of the 11th and 12th of August. The town of Mitzpe Ramon is supposed to turn off its lights on both those nights, but I'm not sure. We will be located at Silent Arrow, probably the best, easiest to get to dark sky location in Mitzpe Ramon. Just drive down Ben Gurion Avenue and keep going behind town and you will come to the sign for Silent Arrow. Contact them at to see if there are any places left to spend the night. We will begin our meteor shower viewing there from 8:30pm-12:01am.

Last year because of Covid over 30,000 people came to the area. There was a traffic jam all the way from Beer Sheva into Mitzpe Ramon at night. I expect much the same this year, so plan to come early. Silent Arrow is not in the Crater where most people go, so it should be relatively isolated from the Balagan.

We will set up chairs but bring blankets to lie on and warm clothes. The desert gets cold at night. We will also set up telescopes for our traditional star tour, but meteor showers are whole-sky naked eye events, best viewed by lying down and looking up with no optical aid.


Places to eat:

More information about the Perseids Meteor Shower:

Thursday, June 3, 2021

ISS flys over Israel 8:17pm, Friday June 4 at 8:17pm

For those who missed the Thursday night apparition of the International Space Station you get another chance to see it this Friday night at 8:17pm for 6 minutes. A very long apparition. It will be almost as bright as Venus at its brightest, moving very slowly across the sky. This apparition brings it very close to Polaris, the North Star. I use the app ISS Detector on Android. You can also get email alerts when it is visible over Israel at

Watch the ISS fly over Israel skies, June 3, 9:04pm-9:08pm

The International Space Station (ISS) is scheduled to fly over Israel skies tonight (June 3, Thursday) for 4 minutes between 9:04-9:08pm, appearing in the northwest, flying almost Overhead and disappearing in the Northeast. It is the brightest object in the sky so no optical aid needed. Don't miss this excellent apparition.


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