Panoramic view of Succah Ba'Midbar
The buildings are all very rustic, built of succah materials. There is a central hut which has a home kitchen and large eating area, where guests are treated to home made meals. It is all very cozy and conducive to reflection and introspection. You can get cell phone reception if you climb one of the nearby hills; otherwise there is no telephone, TV, or Internet access.
Kitchen, dinning room, and common room of the Succah Ba'Midbar
Inside the dining room and common area
There are no electrical lights outside. Guests get kerosene lanterns to see at night, or else can use flashlights if they bring any. All electricity is generated via an array of solar panels. I don't know if the guests huts have electricity. I didn't think to ask. But without communications, who needs it anyway? Heat is provided by way of wood burning stoves.
Guest hut at Succah Ba'Midbar
One nice thing is that the Succah Ba'Midbar is located close to the Wise Observatory and our favorite viewing location above Mitzpe Ramon.
The Wise Observatory from a location near the Succah Ba'Midbar
For a different lodging experience you should give Succah Ba'Midbar a try. And don't forget to go observing with Astronomy Israel when you do!
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